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Check-in III

As we step into February, we're faced with a blank canvas for the next thirty days. However, let's reflect on January first.

- Personal Check-in

Trying Out New Things

January is ending and I already started experimenting a bit to work on this year’s themes, and more specifically on the physical and mental health area. How?

- Personal

Six Years of Using Team O’Clock

When I joined Transifex, the organization had - and still does - an Agile mentality in how they built the product and had been using Scrum for two or three years before my time.

- Agile Tools


Hey! A check-in for January. What went well. What didn’t go well, and what I’ve been doing.

- Personal Check-in

On Leading Through Values

Almost one year into the Engineering Manager role, I thought of providing more clarity to the team regarding what this role is about. What I did was to give a brief presentation about it, and there it was, a slide titled “What’s on my mind” (yeah, “kudos” on the great titles).

- Leadership