Checking Your Open Ports With lsof

Ok, some terminal stuff today. 💻

Have you ever thought about all these servers, databases, and other services we run in our machines and how vulnerable we become to malicious attacks?

Let me give you a simple example, I use the vue-cli to create and manage vue applications. Once you create an application, by default vue-cli exposes the port 8081 to everyone inside your network.

This means that everyone can visit http://myinternalip:8081 and see my application and do whatever he or she wants. I'm not saying that this is the cli's fault. I should be able to configure my application to listen only to my machine's request.

We are not going to cover here how to prevent this kind of situation but how we can see which of our processes are listening to every request.

How to check our open ports

Well, lsof FTW, which is a command that lists open files. In Unix systems this means "everything".

A colleague of mine sent me this which gives a list of ports that listen to requests:

lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

Which translates to:

lsof -i // List all the connections
-P // show the port numbers (not names)
-n // Don't give me hostnames (IPs only)
| grep LISTEN // Find ports that are awaiting connections.

In our vue cli example you would see something like that:

node 69218 thanos 24u IPv4 0x89e5844963379b35 0t0 TCP \*:8081

When you see *:port means open to everyone. Everything else that has or [::1] before the port will be listening only to local requests.

Here is another example with two Python simple servers. Based on our previous examples, one is open to everyone and one only in the local machine.

lsof example

So, try to remember to bind your services to! :)

Bonus: Check this well written and quick article about lsof.